is the premiere portal for the public at large, journalists, teachers, students, academics, activists and any others seeking information and analysis on wealth and income inequality. Here, we collect the latest developments on inequality in the United States and keep readers abreast of relevant information concerning the widening wealth gap. We highlight stories from activists on the front lines of the fight for economic justice, and share information that can be used for ongoing campaigns.

Our content is created by our team of contributors, each with unique expertise and analysis that we combine to form a comprehensive picture of contemporary inequality.  Ultimately, our mission is to create and curate high-quality research and information, along with compelling stories, with the goal of ending economic inequality in the U.S. and abroad.

Latest Work

Big Pharma Corporate Lobby VS. Everyday Americans

Organizers take to the streets to call on Big Pharma to halt its assault on popular reforms to lower prescription drug prices.

National Philanthropic (Mis)Trust

Donor-advised funds are making misleading claims in response to criticism that they are warehousing wealth instead of boosting charitable giving.

Unemployment Insurance Isn’t Holding Back the Economy. Inequality Is.

Ending enhanced unemployment benefits didn’t get people back to work. It just made them poorer.

Close Down the Estate Tax Manipulations That Benefit Billionaires

The latest tax proposals in Congress are an okay first step, but don’t go far enough to address one of the biggest enablers of dynastic wealth.

House Tax Proposal Falls Short of Making Billionaires Pay Their Fair Share

The Ways and Means Committee plan would make a down payment on much-needed public investments but doesn’t go far enough to address wealth inequality.

Another Colossal Waste of Our Society’s Talents and Skills

Our richest can now fly halfway round the world with their circadian rhythms totally intact.

Four CEO Pay-Related Taxes in Play on Capitol Hill

Revenue options that would also curb runaway executive pay have strong appeal across the political spectrum.

Your Awful Office Meetings Are Making CEOs Money

Getting a grip on Corporate America’s structural greed.

The Labor Day Dreams of Black Workers

Leading Black labor organizers and policy advocates share their visions for advancing racial equity in the COVID recovery — and beyond.

Black Labor Leaders and Advocates Reflect on the Pandemic and What Comes Next

We asked nine leading Black labor organizers and policy advocates how to advance racial equity in the COVID recovery — and beyond. Here are their responses.

10 Charts on the State of U.S. Workers on the 2nd Pandemic Labor Day

While workers are continuing to struggle under COVID, corporate lobbyists are converging on Capitol Hill to block proposed pro-labor reforms.

Elly May Clampett Is the Target of Biden’s Tax Plan, Not Laura Ingalls

The capital-gains-tax proposal would actually protect family farmers like those on “Little House on the Prairie” and tax the windfall riches ‘earned” by ‘The Beverly Hillbillies’

Our ‘Trillion-Dollar Seven’: Can We Summon the Courage to Tax Them?

The billions our billionaires are grabbing currently face a next-to-nothing tax rate.

Advocates Call on Congress to #SealTheDeal for Care, Climate, and Justice

The next few months will be crucial to securing the big, bold policy wins needed to build a more equitable, sustainable country for all.

America’s Merchants of Death Then — and Now

More Afghan-like tragedies will be inevitable until we squeeze the personal profit out of prepping for war.

Two Years After the Largest Workplace Raid in U.S. History, a Path Forward for Undocumented Workers

Democrats just passed a budget framework that could make millions of immigrant workers less vulnerable to exploitation.

The Climate Stat We Can’t Afford to Overlook: CEO Pay

If top U.S. corporate execs are still pocketing jackpots a decade from now, our environment has no shot.

The Eviction Crisis is a Race and Gender Wage Gap Issue

Rep. Cori Bush delivered a win for millions of renters, but inequalities that make Black women particularly vulnerable to evictions continue.

A China-U.S. Face-Off Worth Cheering, Not Fearing

Instead of itching for a new Cold War, our superpowers ought to be itching for greater equality — on both sides of the Pacific.

The Civilian Climate Corps Could Be Transformative. Will Democrats Meet the Moment?

The climate jobs program in the budget reconciliation deal should build on FDR’s initiative in ways that advance equity for all.