Foreign Policy in Focus

Foreign Policy in Focus (FPIF) is a “think tank without walls” connecting the research and action of more than 600 scholars, advocates, and activists seeking to make the United States a more responsible global partner.

FPIF provides timely analysis of U.S. foreign policy and international affairs and recommends policy alternatives. We believe U.S. security and world stability are best advanced through a commitment to peace, justice, and environmental protection, as well as economic, political, and social rights. We advocate that diplomatic solutions, global cooperation, and grassroots participation guide foreign policy.

FPIF aims to amplify the voice of progressives and to build links with social movements in the U.S. and around the world. Through these connections, we advance and influence debate and discussion among academics, activists, policy-makers, and the general public.

Latest Work

In Bahrain, An Uprising Unabated

The United States needs to halt its assistance to Bahrain until the country implements promised democratic reforms.

Purifying America’s Textbooks of Ethnic Studies

If right wingers are going to purge “ethnic studies” from America’s textbooks, then they’ll have to purge history too.

Emphasis Added: The Foreign Policy Week in Pieces (5/17)

From the decline in democracy to the rise in the price of peace.

Right-Wing Think Tank’s Racist Report Distorts Prospects for Immigrants’ Future

A study by the Heritage Foundation maintained that Hispanic immigrants are deficient in I.Q. and thus disposed to rely on “government handouts.”

Trouble on the Other Side of the Euphrates

Iraqi demonstrators are now taking matters into their own hands.

Despite Horrific Repression, the U.S. Should Stay Out of Syria

What can we do in Syria? Unfortunately, not much.

President Obama Tries to Pass Guantanamo Closure Buck to Congress

As the Guantanamo hunger strike widens, the president deflects blame.

How Contractors Got Billions for Bases

The Pentagon controls a huge collection of global military bases. The question is: Who is benefiting?

In Tehran, All Eyes on North Korea

Developments on the Korean peninsula will almost certainly influence calculations made in Washington and Tehran.

Expand Nuclear Weapons Programs to Protect Missileers’ Tender Psyches

Nuclear missile officers jobs weigh heavy on them but not for the reasons you’d think.

Spirit of Boondoggle Departs Quashed Los Alamos Project, Finds New One to Possess

The construction of an expensive new plutonium pit facility has been abandoned. Will it be replaced a collection of smaller buildings?

Portugal Struggles to Meet Troika Conditions

In order to qualify for the next loan installment, Prime Minister Coelho must convince the European Union and the IMF that he can make draconian cuts.

Infantalizing North Korea

It’s time for us to grow up in our assessments of North Korea.

Syria: Great Game or Just a Tug of War?

Too many states, large and small, see themselves as having a vested interest in Syria’s outcome.

Imperial Gigantism and the Decline of Planet Earth

What if the unipolar moment turns out to be a planetary moment in which previously distinct imperial events fuse into a single disastrous system?

Make Migrants, Not War in North Korea

North Korea policymakers must look beyond the nuclear issue to consider the human rights of the population.

Would Pakistan Respond to India’s Use of Conventional Weapons With Tactical Nukes?

Theoretically Pakistan is poised to respond to Indian military retaliation for a terrorist strike with tactical nukes.

Trade-Offs Needed to Enhance U.S. Soft Power

The U.S. government needs to develop a unified national security budget that allows the president and the Congress to make trade-offs like these.

Minot’s Launch Control Fail: Reason #532 Why Nuclear Deterrence Is a Fragile Foundation for Peace

To concerns about human error in nuclear launch control add moodiness.

It’s Time to Delist Cuba

Come off it–Cuba is not a ‘state sponsor of terrorism.’