Foreign Policy in Focus

Foreign Policy in Focus (FPIF) is a “think tank without walls” connecting the research and action of more than 600 scholars, advocates, and activists seeking to make the United States a more responsible global partner.

FPIF provides timely analysis of U.S. foreign policy and international affairs and recommends policy alternatives. We believe U.S. security and world stability are best advanced through a commitment to peace, justice, and environmental protection, as well as economic, political, and social rights. We advocate that diplomatic solutions, global cooperation, and grassroots participation guide foreign policy.

FPIF aims to amplify the voice of progressives and to build links with social movements in the U.S. and around the world. Through these connections, we advance and influence debate and discussion among academics, activists, policy-makers, and the general public.

Latest Work

Kurdistan: The Next Autocracy?

Iraq’s Kurds may at last have their own state. But is it the one they wanted?

Emphasis Added: The Foreign Policy Week in Pieces (6/13)

From nuclear weapons to unicorns.

From the Spanish Civil War to Syria: Parceling Out Truth Subverts Justice

George Orwell understood that ignoring obvious horrors for expediency’s sake is a roadblock to justice.

When Will the Dirty Wars End?

Jeremy Scahill’s ‘Dirty Wars’ conveys the sinister, unaccountable, and deadly power concentrated in the halls of Washington that now threatens the planet.

For Bradley Manning, Solitary Confinement a Cruel, But All Too Usual, Punishment

Although he could face life in prison for a crime of conscience, Manning must feel at least some relief that his pre-trial confinement has come to an end.

Slovenia and Bulgaria: a Tale of Two Reforms

Slovenia has achieved the most economic success among East-Central European states transitioning from communism, Bulgaria the least.

How Dystopian Secrecy Contributes to Clueless Wars

Bradley Manning Has Done More for U.S. Security than SEAL Team 6

Payback for Colonial Sins

The British government’s offer to pay reparations to colonial-era torture victims in Kenya dispels the notion that British colonialism was any better than the rest.

Syria: the Charade of Humanitarian Intervention

Tales of ostensibly noble efforts to avert catastrophic human suffering have sanitized the complicity of U.S. policy.

Emphasis Added: The Foreign Policy Week in Pieces (6/10)

War with Iran could cost you your job.

Vultures Over Burma

A poem: To all the men and women who sing change change change Mee-ahn mar–we never heard of you before.

Nuclear Missile Wing’s “Sagging Morale” Has an Upside

Its personnel may be depressed, but at least they’re not launching nuclear weapons.

Overcoming ‘Strategic Suspicion’ — Goal of Obama-Xi Summit

This week’s summit between the presidents of the U.S. and China is being welcomed as a virtually unprecedented opportunity for each side.

Hungary: A Cancer in the Middle of Europe

Something is dreadfully wrong with Hungary–and it could spread to the rest of Europe.

Erdogan’s Iron Fist

The broad-based protests against Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan reflect deep-seated resentments over the Islamist leader’s increasingly authoritarian governing style.

Sierra Leone: From Swords into Ploughshares

Sierra Leone may be slowly transcending its ethnic-based politics, but poverty remains an omnipresent threat to its development and democracy.

Czechoslovakia’s Velvet Divorce

As is the case with most divorces, the “children” — Czechs and Slovaks — were not consulted.

Erdogan Goes All Robert Moses on Istanbul

Turks are feeling steamrollered by Prime Minister Erdogan’s development projects.

Five Ways the Arms Trade Treaty Advances Arms Control

For the first time in history, the $70-billion global arms trade will be regulated by international law.

Empire, Capitalism, and Human Trafficking in Northeast Asia

The crisis of people-trafficking and sexual exploitation in Northeast Asia is not a nationalist issue; it is a gender issue.