
OtherWords is a free, non-profit editorial service published by the Institute for Policy Studies. Each week, OtherWords distributes a batch of publication-ready op-eds, along with a cartoon, to thousands of readers — including hundreds of editors of small and medium-sized newspapers. Each year, these op-eds appear thousands of times in local newspapers throughout the country, as well as in a growing number of online outlets. We believe that strong social movements need informed citizens, and that people learn best from conversations in their own communities — neighbor-to-neighbor. But between a consolidated, corporate-controlled mass media and a deafening social media echo chamber, it’s gotten harder than ever to have these conversations, especially in smaller communities with few local media options.

Through OtherWords, we’re able to provide millions of readers in America’s heartland with intelligent commentary on a range of progressive causes — on climate, inequality, war and peace, the movements for race and gender justice, and beyond. Through the trusted local papers that use our service, we reach readers in red, blue, and purple states alike with well-written, timely commentaries on the national issues that affect their lives. To read our work or get information about publishing it in your community, check out OtherWords.org.

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Latest Work

How to Achieve Transparency for the Supercommittee

Every campaign contribution to members of this powerful panel should be reported every single day.

Mitt Romney Believes in Corporate America

He chooses to ignore that even as corporate profits soar and the rich get richer, unemployment remains high and millions of Americans are tumbling from the middle class into poverty.

Military Spending Belongs on the Table

The supercommittee seems unlikely to make substantial military cuts and instead quite likely to cut spending for the other agencies under the “security spending” umbrella, even though the Pentagon gets the lion’s share of that category’s funding.

Gridlock and Bedlam

It’s scary, but I’m starting to agree with my pessimist friend.

Big Oil: $135 Million — School Children: 0

Led by Valero Energy Corp., at least 16 huge refiners are trying to poke a lucrative loophole into Texas tax laws.

What Have They Done with Ron Paul?

The mainstream media mostly ignores him.

Dr. National and Mr. Transnational

Pay my fair share of taxes? What is this, socialism?

When IPS and the Heritage Foundation Agree that Something’s a Bad Idea, It Probably Does Stink

A bipartisan Senate bill that would grant corporations a tax holiday is slated to be introduced tomorrow, just days after the progressive and conservative organizations released reports about how these tax giveaways don’t spur job growth.

Uncle Sam Should Support Built-to-Last Companies, Not Built-to-Loot Enterprises

There’s nothing holding back the corporations demanding another tax holiday from investing in America right now.

The Lineup: Week of Oct. 3-9, 2011

Marc Morial and Khalil Bendib address capital punishment’s “long shadow of doubt” in the wake of Troy Davis’s execution.

Columbus Day Questions

On this Columbus Day, let’s consider the discrepancy between how newcomers are celebrated in our history but ostracized in our society.

A Long Shadow of Doubt: The Execution of Troy Davis

As Justice Marshall once said, “the scandalous state of our present system of capital punishment will cast a pall of shame over our society for years to come.”

Solyndra’s Implosion Burned Taxpayers

We need to put the brakes on the Department of Energy’s flawed loan guarantee program before taxpayers lose billions.

New Rules will Support Farmers and Jobs

The meatpacking industry, giant poultry companies, and largest food processors have forced more than 1 million American farmers and ranchers out of business since 1980.

Free the College Football Market

College football pretends it’s about boola-boola, but it’s really all about ka-ching ka-ching.

Wendy’s ‘Improved’ Burger

The company spent two and a half years and millions of dollars of corporate poking and prodding to “improve” a burger that doesn’t compare to a backyard cookout.

The Environment Could Use Some Rich Friends

The Earth needs a well-heeled lobby to survive all this pillaging.

Doubt’s Shadow

RIP, Troy Davis.

The Lineup: Week of Sept. 26-Oct. 2, 2011

Matias Ramos describes his latest immigration ordeal.

MIA: Obama’s New Common-Sense Immigration Policy

I learned the hard way that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) field offices are actually becoming even more ruthless than before.