is the premiere portal for the public at large, journalists, teachers, students, academics, activists and any others seeking information and analysis on wealth and income inequality. Here, we collect the latest developments on inequality in the United States and keep readers abreast of relevant information concerning the widening wealth gap. We highlight stories from activists on the front lines of the fight for economic justice, and share information that can be used for ongoing campaigns.

Our content is created by our team of contributors, each with unique expertise and analysis that we combine to form a comprehensive picture of contemporary inequality.  Ultimately, our mission is to create and curate high-quality research and information, along with compelling stories, with the goal of ending economic inequality in the U.S. and abroad.

Latest Work

The Midterms and Inequality: What We’re Watching

From ballot initiatives to anti-inequality candidates, the 2018 election offers plenty of opportunities to chip away at our economic divide.

Waffles, Beer, and the Penalty We Pay for Tolerating Inequality

How much does the ‘privilege’ of living in a deeply unequal nation cost ordinary Americans? Some numbers from Belgium can help us tally up the total.

Before His Time, a Billionaire Passes On

Paul Allen’s friends are saluting his life. For the sake of our own loved ones, we need to end his billionaire epoch.

The World Would Be a Better Place Without the Rich

They coarsen our culture, erode our economic future, and diminish our democracy. The ultra-rich have no redeeming social value.

Black Domestic Workers Call for Pay, Professionalism, and Respect

A new report shines a light on the Durham and Atlanta healthcare workers raising the standards of care in America.

Promoting Luxury Housing with an Ironic Twist

The artist behind a provocative faux sales office highlights the dangers of Boston’s luxury housing boom.

US, UK Progressive Leaders Aim to Open Corporate Boardrooms to Workers

UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn and U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren have both launched plans to shift the balance of power from shareholders to workers, including requiring worker representation on boards.

Confronting Climate Change in a Deeply Unequal World

The global reaction to two landmark new reports suggests the world could well lose that confrontation.

Nostalgia for NAFTA? Our Wealthy Will Have Plenty

Over the last quarter-century, new data from Forbes makes clear, NAFTA has helped create an incredibly rich people-friendly economic order.

Activists Demand Accountability from Kavanaugh

People around the country are demanding accountability from members of an elite class who have long lived by their own set of rules.

Share the Wealth? Of Course. But When?

Redistribution via the tax code, progressives on both sides of the Atlantic are realizing, only takes us so far. We need to start limiting inequality before it can dig in.

The ‘Unintended Consequences’ of Letting the Rich Get Richer

Our politics needs to face up to inequality’s deep-set impact on all of us as individuals.

Bank Workers Fight to Rein in Global Finance

One often-forgotten group of people have the information — and the motivation — to tame the bests of finance.

The Wealth Hiding in Your Neighborhood

From country farmland to big city skyscrapers, absentee billionaires may be hiding wealth in your town — and driving up your cost of living.

Does the United States Have a ‘Strong’ Economy?

For average Americans, the U.S. economy hardly merits any kudos. Two new data dumps make that reality even plainer.

Teresa Romero Selected as First Woman President of United Farm Workers

Romero promises to delve into immigration reform when she takes over the union later this year.

Trump Launches Aggressive Poverty Disinformation Campaign

The middle class is starting to look poor, but the president’s Council of Economic Advisers now argues that not even the poor are poor—all the better to cut programs that serve both groups.

North American Fair Trade Activists Denounce Trump’s NAFTA Bullying

Leaders from Canada, Mexico, and the United States demand a trade deal that lifts up people and communities in all three countries.

Our New Gilded Statistical Golden Age

We know a great deal more about how unequal we’ve become than our progressive forbears did in America’s original Gilded Age. But can data fuel a fight for a more equal world?

The Degrowth Movement Challenges the Conventional Wisdom on Economic Health

A coalition of academics and activists are taking on the dogma of growth and calling for a radical reorganization of the economy.