Sarah Anderson directs the Global Economy Project at the Institute for Policy Studies and is a co-editor of the IPS web site Sarah’s research covers a wide range of international and domestic economic issues, including inequality, Wall Street reform, CEO pay, taxes, labor, and international trade and investment. Sarah is a well-known expert on executive compensation, as the lead author of more than 20 annual “Executive Excess” reports that have received extensive media coverage.

During the Obama administration, she served on the Investment Subcommittee of the U.S. State Department’s Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy (ACIEP). In 2009, this subcommittee carried out a review of the U.S. model bilateral investment treaty. In 2000, she served on the staff of the bipartisan International Financial Institutions Advisory Commission (“Meltzer Commission”), commissioned by the U.S. Congress to evaluate the World Bank and IMF. Sarah is a co-author of the books Field Guide to the Global Economy (New Press, 2nd edition, 2005) and Alternatives to Economic Globalization (Berrett-Koehler, 2nd edition, 2004).

Prior to coming to IPS in 1992, Sarah was a consultant to the U.S. Agency for International Development and an editor for the Deutsche Presse-Agentur. She holds a Masters in International Affairs from The American University and a BA in Journalism from Northwestern University.


People Power Pushed the New Deal

Roosevelt didn’t come up with all those progressive programs on his own.

Testimony, ‘Investment Protections in U.S. Trade and Investment Agreements’

Sarah Anderson’s testimony to the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee, subcommittee on trade.

Why Not Send My Tax Check Directly to Wall Street Execs?

The hard-earned income taxes of ordinary citizens are paying for the bloated, unearned paychecks of bailout CEOs.

Obama Should Restart Immigration Debate and Extend it Beyond our Borders

The Obama administration’s immigration plan should include initiatives to help create more opportunities in migrants’ home countries.

Executive Compensation and the Culture of Wall Street

Answers to frequently asked questions about the bailout bonus scandals.

Why It’s in Our Interest to Support a Global Stimulus

Ignoring the problems of the poorest economies, even in tough times like these, will come back to haunt us. Let’s support a global stimulus for a globalized world.

Empire Roundtable

We asked FPIF’s senior analysts to weigh in on the future course of American foreign policy: maintenance of empire or its rejection?

Beyond the AIG Bonuses

Many taxpayer subsidies for executive excess have not yet hit the headlines.

Executive Pay and the Stimulus Bill

This memo summarizes the key provisions in the stimulus legislation to restrict compensation for executives of bailed-out companies.

Pay-Cap Populism

Our forebears struggled to survive in a world dominated by the superrich. Now it’s our turn.

The CEO Pay Debate: Myths v Facts

This fact sheet sums up and dissects the major arguments against public policy action on CEO pay.

Obama: Sweep Away a Free Trade Relic

Among the most embarrassing, yet often overlooked economic policies of the Bush and Clinton years was the penchant for making other countries restrict capital controls, even though such controls had proved effective against financial volatility.

Policy Handcuffs in the Financial Crisis

A new report finds that bans on capital controls are outdated and a hindrance to developing nations.

IPS on the CEO Pay Caps

We applaud efforts to cap bailout pay, but are concerned about reports of weak Treasury rules.

Executive Pay and the Bailout

An analysis of new proposals for change.

A Sensible Plan for Recovery

Americans recognize the need to act on our current crisis but detest the idea that ordinary taxpayers should bear the brunt of bailing out the kingpins of Wall Street.

Ecuador’s Debt Default: Exposing a Gap in the Global Financial Architecture

The South American country’s refusal to make ‘immoral and illegitimate’ payments exposes an international financial architecture glitch.

Skewed Priorities

The approximately $4.1 trillion that the United States and European governments have committed to bail out financial firms is 40 times the money they’re spending to fight climate and poverty crises in the developing world.

Bailouts Dwarf Spending on Climate and Poverty Crises

The approximately $4.1 trillion that the United States and Europe have committed to rescue financial firms is 40 times the money they’re spending to fight climate and poverty crises in the developing world.

The Massive Wealth Redistribution that Doesn’t Bother John McCain

Upward wealth redistribution has taken billions of dollars out of the pockets of average Americans.

Program Director

Global Economy

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CEO Pay, Financial Regulations, Financial Transaction Tax, Inequality, International Monetary Fund, Tax Reform, Trade, Wages, Wall Street, Worker Rights

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