Sarah Anderson directs the Global Economy Project at the Institute for Policy Studies and is a co-editor of the IPS web site Sarah’s research covers a wide range of international and domestic economic issues, including inequality, Wall Street reform, CEO pay, taxes, labor, and international trade and investment. Sarah is a well-known expert on executive compensation, as the lead author of more than 20 annual “Executive Excess” reports that have received extensive media coverage.

During the Obama administration, she served on the Investment Subcommittee of the U.S. State Department’s Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy (ACIEP). In 2009, this subcommittee carried out a review of the U.S. model bilateral investment treaty. In 2000, she served on the staff of the bipartisan International Financial Institutions Advisory Commission (“Meltzer Commission”), commissioned by the U.S. Congress to evaluate the World Bank and IMF. Sarah is a co-author of the books Field Guide to the Global Economy (New Press, 2nd edition, 2005) and Alternatives to Economic Globalization (Berrett-Koehler, 2nd edition, 2004).

Prior to coming to IPS in 1992, Sarah was a consultant to the U.S. Agency for International Development and an editor for the Deutsche Presse-Agentur. She holds a Masters in International Affairs from The American University and a BA in Journalism from Northwestern University.


[VIDEO] Why a Financial Transaction Tax?

A 0.25% tax on financial transactions could raise $150 billion a year in the United States alone.

Mining Ban: Good for the Grand Canyon, but Not for El Salvador?

U.S. trade partners have to worry that if they pursue responsible stewardship, they could get rewarded with a big fat corporate lawsuit.

Mining for Profits

A foreign gold mining company is suing El Salvador.

Mining for Profits in International Tribunals

Corporate lawsuits against governments over resource rights continue to increase.

Occupy the Budget

How to pay for the crisis while making our nation more equitable, green, and secure.

America Is Not Broke

How to pay for the crisis while making the country more equitable, green, and secure.

Emerging Economies Join G20 Coalition to Tax Speculation

The struggle to tax Wall Street moved forward in Cannes.

Gates Backs the Wall Street Tax at the G20 Summit

The 99 percent and the 0.001 percent agree on something, but the Obama administration is holding out.

The G20 and the New World Order

Signs of China’s growing influence are inescapable in Cannes.

The Costs of Wall Street Greed

Despite growing support in Europe and elsewhere, the Obama administration has remained opposed to a Wall Street tax.

Taxing the Wall Street Casino Fact Sheet

Governments around the world are struggling to deal with the crushing problems of joblessness, poverty, and climate change. A financial speculation tax is the best option on the table to raise the massive revenues needed to address these urgent needs.

WIN America Coalition Seeks to Pad Pockets with “Tax Holiday”

Tax holiday proponents have delivered losses to American workers.

Job Destroyers Don’t Deserve a Tax Holiday

When thinks tanks from the left and the right agree on something, Congress should pay attention.

America Loses: Corporations That Take “Tax Holidays” Slash Jobs

Some of America’s most flush corporations are demanding a tax holiday on their profits sitting offshore. But the last holiday produced a nasty hangover.

No Confidence Man – Larry Summers

Lawrence Summers’ name comes up repeatedly in Ron Suskind’s new book as a person who was not only disrespectful to the President but also kneecapped most of what the President wanted to do.

Stop Corporate Tax Dodgers: IPS Media Highlights

IPS is putting tax dodging corporations on the ropes.

Obama Supported Financial Transactions Taxes – Before Summers Nixed It

It’s not too late for the president to revisit some of his earlier positions in support of progressive economic policies, including financial transactions taxes.

Jeff Immelt, GE CEO – Corporate Tax Dodger

If there were an Olympics for tax dodging, General Electric would sweep the gold. Last year GE reaped $3.3 billion in federal income tax refunds, despite more than $5 billion in U.S. profits

Ivan Seidenberg – Corporate Tax Dodger

Phone customers paid more to Uncle Sam than the telecom giant Verizon.

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Global Economy

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CEO Pay, Financial Regulations, Financial Transaction Tax, Inequality, International Monetary Fund, Tax Reform, Trade, Wages, Wall Street, Worker Rights

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