Our Work

At IPS, our work is centered in our vision: we believe everyone has a right to thrive on a planet where all communities are equitable, democratic, peaceful, and sustainable. Our intersecting programs and initiatives, led by a diverse group of expert staff and associate fellows, are helping to shape progressive movements toward this vision.

Latest Work

Iran Is Not the Aggressor — the US Is

If a war breaks out, it won’t be because the Trump administration “bumbled” into one.

How Congress Manufactured a Postal Crisis — And How to Fix it

An unprecedented congressional mandate threatens the Postal Service’s ability to continue to provide good jobs and universal service.

A Bus Tour Pushes For Higher Taxes on the Rich

Tax cuts have funneled wealth to the richest for decades. Activists have convened a nationwide bus tour to prove how unpopular those tax policies have been.

Trinity: ‘The most significant hazard of the entire Manhattan Project’

For the past several years, controversy over radioactive fallout from the world’s first atomic bomb explosion—code-named Trinity—has intensified.

Behold the 21st-Century Penthouse: Peak Decadence?

From the summit of our new ‘needle towers,’ the ultra rich can look but never really see.

Pyongyang on the Potomac

Trump and Kim getting along is better than the alternative, but there’s no denying troubling similarities in the two men’s political styles.

My Parents Proudly Worked for the US Postal Service. Don’t Destroy It.

African Americans have the most to lose from Postal Service cuts and the most to gain from innovative reforms that help the poor, like postal banking.

Will San Francisco Be the Second City to Tax Extreme CEO-Worker Pay Gaps?

SF voters will decide the fate of a proposed tax on corporations that pay their top exec more than 100 times median worker pay.

Return of the Poll Tax

Florida’s anti-democratic poll tax will cost the state hundreds of thousands of voters — and hundreds of millions of dollars.

The Wild Political Backstory to the Financial ‘Crisis’ at the Postal Service

Budget chicanery more than 15 years ago laid the foundation for a manufactured crisis that threatens the future of the postal service.