Our Work

At IPS, our work is centered in our vision: we believe everyone has a right to thrive on a planet where all communities are equitable, democratic, peaceful, and sustainable. Our intersecting programs and initiatives, led by a diverse group of expert staff and associate fellows, are helping to shape progressive movements toward this vision.

Latest Work

The Mad Military Money Machine

The military industrial complex is costly and inefficient. It’s time to cut the defense budget and end its wasteful practices.

As the Far Right Goes Global, So Do Anti-BDS Bills

An increasingly global campaign to tar the BDS movement as “anti-Semitic” comes as Israel’s staunchest global defenders are increasingly anti-Semites themselves.

Airline Catering Workers Connect Poverty Wages to Corporate Greed

Thousands of subcontracted workers who prepare and deliver in-flight meals are demanding better pay and healthcare from the multibillion-dollar airline industry.

What the House Anti-BDS Resolution Reveals About the Palestine Solidarity Movement

How can we pierce the Washington bubble and bring Congress into greater congruence with changing public opinion?

Why Did Democrats Pass Trump’s 2-Year Budget and Debt Ceiling Bill?

On Thursday the House passed a massive $2.7 trillion budget and debt ceiling bill with overwhelming support from Democrats and only 65 Republican votes.

Keeping Up the Fight Against the Muslim Ban

A year after the Supreme Court ruling upholding it, advocates have lined up legislation and presidential candidates behind undoing one of Trump’s signature abuses.

Ilhan Omar Is Fighting for the White Working Class—Even as They Chant ‘Send Her Back’

Racism, Islamophobia, false charges of anti-Semitism, and even death threats aren’t going to stop Ilhan Omar from fighting for all of our rights.

A Lesson from West Africa, a Global Inequality Ground Zero

To end poverty at the bottom of our economic orders, we need to stop wealth from concentrating at the top.

3 Bills to Rein in Executive Pay

Before heading home for summer recess, members of Congress are rushing to introduce proposals for cracking down on overpaid executives.

Boris Johnson and the New Battle of Britain

As hard Brexiteer Boris Johnson takes over, Labour is finally coming down on the side of Remain. Will it be too late?