Program on Inequality and the Common Good

Extreme inequalities of income, wealth and opportunity undercut democracy, social solidarity and mobility, economic stability, and many other aspects of our personal and public lives.  The Program on Inequality and the Common Good focuses on these and other dangers that income disparities pose for the U.S.

Through research and reporting, this program encourages policy interventions that can reduce extreme wealth inequality, and close the growing gap between the rich and poor. Recent reports have examined the estate tax, the racial wealth gap, inequality in philanthropy, and other topics related to extreme wealth concentration. The central theme of the program is that without significant reform and a systemic view of inequality on both a national and global level, the overall wealth divide will continue to grow exponentially.

Latest Work

Inequality and the Iron Law of Decaying Public Services

The fires ravaging California offer yet another reason to fear our grand economic divides.

How Much in ‘Inequality Tax’ Are You Paying?

The hidden burden America’s top-heavy distribution of income and wealth places on people of modest means.

US Inequality Reaching Record Highs

Sam Pizzigati discusses growing economic inequality in the US, how to employ taxation to close the gap, and the importance of unions and worker power.

Can an Economic Stat Help Narrow Our Grand Economic Divide?

Egalitarian-minded economics are pushing for a ‘GDP 2.0’ — and getting some lawmaker help.

Help Spread the Word: #WhoIsBuyingSeattle

Help us spread the word about our report: Who is Buying Seattle? The Perils of the Luxury Real Estate Boom

Inequality Is Literally Killing Us

Again and again, studies show that the richer wealthy Americans become, the shorter the rest of us live.

Concentrated Wealth and the Rise of the Limitarian

Letting small slivers of a population amass as much wealth as they can grab might not be such a hot idea after all.

What the Felicity Huffman Scandal Says About America

Low-income parents risk jail for putting their kids in better public schools, while the rich bribe colleges to shut the poor out.

Concentrated Wealth Kills

Two new reports out of Washington trace our growing economic divide and the high price we pay, in dollars and lives, for letting that divide fester.

The Perils of Billionaire Philanthropy

The ultra-rich are using philanthropic vehicles to shield their wealth—it’s time Congress acted.

Born on Third Base: Chuck Collins Interview with The Question Lane Podcast

Inequality expert and activist Chuck Collins, who gave away his inheritance at 26, uses his perspective from both sides of the divide to deliver a new narrative.

Tax the Rich Before the Rest

Candidates should pledge that the middle class won’t pay $1 more in new taxes until billionaires put up at least $1 trillion.

Big Pharma to Pay for Opioid Crisis, But What Happens to the Money?

Big Tobacco settlements didn’t help those in need. Let’s ensure opioid settlements actually go toward helping impacted people and communities.

Reflections on the Opioid Epidemic

What we can do to stop America’s next horrific eruption of corporate greed?

400 Years After Slavery, No More Band-Aids

It’s time to heal the deep wounds of racism — not only to ensure equity for African Americans, but for our entire economy.

Out of Ottawa, Some Deflating New Stats on Life in the World’s Richest Nation

An innovative binational analysis details how plutocracy is squeezing low and middle income Americans.

5 Ways the Economy Is Stacked Against Millennials

Millennials suffer stagnant wages and high expenses in an economy not designed for them — but there’s hope.

Can Inequality Be Hardwired into Our DNA?

We need more than a moratorium on making inheritable edits in our genetic code. We need a moratorium on people getting rich off of editing our genes.

A Lesson from West Africa, a Global Inequality Ground Zero

To end poverty at the bottom of our economic orders, we need to stop wealth from concentrating at the top.