Saif Rahman is the Movements Coordinator for IPS and FPIF. His role includes using and translating IPS’s research and writing to help make the progressive movement more efficient, more diverse and more organized. He sits on the Steering Committee for United for Peace in Justice and a Coordinating Committee Member of the National Youth and Student Peace Coalition. His current work focuses on working with UFPJ and NYSPC to end the war in Iraq, the cancellation of debt of foreign countries, and to make corporations, such as Firestone, end their abuses of workers and the environment abroad.

Saif graduated from Wheaton College with degrees in Political Science and Philosophy. He came to IPS from Global Justice where he was a National Coordinator for the Student Campaign for Child Survival, which is one of the largest and fastest growing grassroots organizations working on the issue of children’s health and rights. He helped start the University Coalitions for Global Health and he also represented SCCS in the Global Action for Children coalition and to the FAIR network. He also spent time working with young students in Istanbul, Turkey. In college, Saif helped manage a free format, pro-free speech radio station and founded and was the president of the Community Action Team. Saif has worked on and publicly spoken and given workshops on about a variety of social justice issues from debt cancellation, to global health, to anti-militarization, nonviolence and power dynamics.


Somali Piracy and the International Response

Besides being unsustainable from a logistical standpoint, the heightened military response to the pirate attacks probably won’t work because it doesn’t address the root causes of this menace to maritime security.

Scramble for Africa

Kevin Funk and Steve Fake offer a scathing and penetrating new look at the crises in Darfur — one that you won’t find in The New York Times or from the Save Darfur Movement.

Postcard from…Dhaka

A new mega-mall in Dhaka is symbolic of the flawed approach to solving Bangladesh’s problems.

Postcard from… Dhaka

A new mega-mall in Dhaka is symbolic of the flawed approach to solving Bangladesh’s problems.

An Interview with Jonny 5 from the Flobots

Music, foreign policy, and activism don’t often go together. One band is changing that.

Global Power Shift

In a shifting political landscape, columnist Michael Klare points out, mammoth energy reserves are increasingly more important than huge military arsenals.

Iran in the Crosshairs: How to Prevent Washington’s Next War

As George W. Bush’s administration enters its last year in office, the danger of a U.S. military attack on Iran looms.

The Grinch Who Stole Our Future

Bush’s budget seeks to militarize youth and slash education funding.

Lessons from Protesting Guantnamo

Activist Bryan Farrell expected be put in jail for standing up for the rights of prisoners at Guantanamo. What he didn’t expect was 30 hours of imprisonment, the realization that this was nothing compared to those in Guantanamo, and the sense of solidarity with the 82 other activists who decided to stand up for human rights.

Music to Save the World

Foreign Policy In Focus recommends the best activist albums of 2007.

What Doug Feith Taught Me About Decision Making

Doug Feith discussing decision making (and his new book) should sound an alarm for people who want to learn exactly how not to make a decision.

Changing The Subject

A response to Kevin Funk and Steve Fake: Divestment will help to end the Genocide in Darfur.

Putting Foreign Policy in a Domestic Focus

A just domestic policy will lead to a just foreign policy

Divestment: Solution or Diversion?

The divestment movement from Sudan makes clear “indication of the failures in our intellectual culture”

Divestment: Ending the Genocide in Darfur

From rallying and letter writing, the Save Darfur movement is now taking a page from history and looking to divestment to end the atrocities in Darfur.

How to Stop AIDS Now

The ’08 Stop AIDS Platform is something that we must all take heed of: our next President must do more to stop the HIV/AIDS crisis. This conviction is what impelled this group of 15 youth AIDS activists to attend the Take Back America Conference in Washington, D.C. earlier this summer and “birddog” Barack Obama and John Edwards.

The Art of Deconstructing War

Aaron Hughes talks about how he has transformed his experience as a soldier in the Iraq War into art.

Five Reasons Why I’ll March on Jan. 27 (and You Should Too)

Why you should come to the January 27 United for Peace and Justice protest against the Iraq War.

Youth Walk Out to Get Out of Iraq

Why are students and youth across this country walking out of their schools and jobs on Election Day? Department editor Saif Rahman argues that the answer is not that complicated: young people are getting it in the neck.

Foreign Policy in Focus

    Music to Save the World

    Foreign Policy In Focus | January 1, 2009

    Postcard from… Dhaka

    Foreign Policy In Focus | August 11, 2008

    An Interview with Jonny 5 from the Flobots

    Foreign Policy In Focus | June 12, 2008

    The Grinch Who Stole Our Future

    The Nation | February 29, 2008

    The Grinch Who Stole Our Future

    Wiretap | February 25, 2008
