Chuck Collins is the Director of the Program on Inequality and the Common Good at the Institute for Policy Studies, where he co-edits

He is an expert on U.S. inequality and the racial wealth divide and author of over ten books and dozens of reports about inequality, climate disruption, philanthropy, the racial wealth divide, affordable housing, and billionaire wealth dynasties.

His newest book is a novel, Altar to an Erupting Sun (Green Writers Press), a near-future story of one community facing climate disruption in the critical decade ahead. See more at

His 2021 book, The Wealth Hoarders: How Billionaires Spend Millions to Hide Trillions (Polity Books), unmasks the industry of professional enablers that assist the ultra-wealthy to hide wealth and dodge taxes.

He is author of the popular book, Born on Third Base: A One Percenter Makes the Case for Tackling Inequality, Bringing Wealth Home, and Committing to the Common Good (Chelsea Green); He is co-author, with the late Bill Gates Sr. of Wealth and Our Commonwealth, (Beacon Press, 2003), a case for taxing inherited fortunes. He is co-author with Mary Wright of The Moral Measure of the Economy, a book about Christian ethics and economic life. He was featured in this interview in Sun Magazine and with Terry Gross on NPR’s Fresh Air.

He is co-author of several IPS reports including:

He is a founding member of the Patriotic Millionaires. In 1995, he co-founded United for a Fair Economy (UFE) to raise the profile of the inequality issue and support popular education and organizing efforts to address inequality. He was Executive Director of UFE from 1995-2001 and Program Director until 2005.

See an archive of Chuck’s writing, videos and commentaries. For media inquiries, contact Olivia Alperstein at For public speaking inquiries, contact Jodi Solomon Speakers Bureau.


Stop Corporate Tax Dodging: Talking Points and Background Information

Most of us pay more in taxes than many U.S. corporations, and corporate tax avoidance has increased dramatically in the last 50 years.

Taxes and the Common Good

It’s time to reform our tax system — to quit rewarding obscene wealth, Wall Street gambling, and corporate polluters.

Government Shutdown Imminent; Republicans Unconcerned

A government shutdown was averted for two-weeks yesterday after the the Senate passed a spending bill that expires on March 18th. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill said, “The House and the Senate ought to be able to gather together to sit down like adults” and craft a long term solution.

Do You Pay Your Taxes? Bank of America Doesn’t

The latest from a growing international movement to make corporate tax dodgers pay, so public services don’t have to.

Pay Up, Corporate Tax Dodgers

We’re chumps unless we force Congress to stop tax haven abuse.

Wisconsin 2.0: Stop the Corporate Tax Dodgers

Pay up! General Electric, Carnival Cruise lines, Boeing, FedEx, News Corp, ExxonMobil, Pfizer, Proctor and Gamble.

SOTU: Use Newfound Corporate Tax Revenue to Invest in America

Some of this revenue should be used for long overdue investments in education, health care, and energy retrofits.

Rocky Times Ahead: Are You Ready?

At many crucial moments in our past, small groups have played an essential role in incubating the seeds of great change.

Celebrating Felice Yeskel

Felice was a remarkable trainer and public speaker on issues of class, human liberation and economic justice.

Obama Tax Deal Further Concentrates Wealth: Stop the Death Spiral to Plutocracy

President Obama’s tax deal fails the moral test by worsening America’s inequality of wealth and power.

The Problem with the Obama Tax Compromise

Should we really be negotiating with a party that is dominated by corporatists who are happy with the increasing concentration of wealth?

A $700 Billion Dilemma

Borrowing during hard times and making smart investments could boost future productivity and create good jobs.

The Small Business Case for Ending Tax Cuts for the Wealthy

If Congress wants to help small businesses, they shouldn’t spend $700 billion over the next decade in poorly targeted tax cuts.

Support Groups for Hard Times

How can Transition Towns and Common Security Clubs help us navigate a changing economy and environment?

Five Reasons to Let the Bush Tax Cuts for the Rich Expire

And how you can add your support for their expiration.

Planet CEO vs. Planet Worker

Realigning the interests of CEOs with their employees and the rest of our country would be good for the economy and national morale.

CEOs Who Cut the Most Jobs Earn More than Peers

The 17th annual Executive Excess report shows that CEOs are squeezing workers to boost short-term profits and their own paychecks.

Executive Excess 2010: CEO Pay and the Great Recession

The 17th annual executive compensation survey looks at how CEOs laid off thousands while raking in millions.

A Century Later, Teddy Roosevelt’s Speech on Corporate Power

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the most “radical speech” an American ex-president has ever delivered.

Sticking Together in Tough Times

With more workers facing long-term joblessness, the unemployed are working together for change.