Danger in South Asia

Columnist Conn Hallinan warns that conflicts in Iran and Georgia might soon be eclipsed by simmering tension elsewhere.

Big Three Block Iran Attack

Without the support of Russia, China, or India, the United States will have great difficulties starting a war with Iran.

The Iranian Chess Game Continues

Diplomacy between Iran and the United States has entered the opening gambit stage and Iran appears to be winning at this point.

Be Ahead of the Pack

Here’s a tip on how to sound smart on foreign policy. When your friends are talking about the Iraq War, shake your head and look very somber. “The real problem,” you inform them, “is Iran.”

Bush Gets One Right?

The vehemence of the hard-line opposition to the Bush administration’s North Korea policy suggests that, after seven years of blunders and miscues and outright war crimes, Washington has finally done the right thing on a foreign policy issue.

Iraq in Pictures

Many of the most resonant images from the Iraq War are as deceptive as the Bush administration’s rationales for starting the war in the first place.

NATO at a Crossroads

A plan for a new concept of NATO’s mission and a reformed nuclear policy.