Send Bosworth to North Korea

President Obama can break the impasse with North Korea by sending special envoy Stephen Bosworth for face-to-face talks in Pyongyang.

Pushing South Asia Toward the Brink

Pushing South Asia Toward the Brink

The United States is arming both India and Pakistan, encouraging India’s nuclear program, and destabilizing the region through its military efforts in Afghanistan and Pakistan, argues Zia Mian.

Playing the Hawk With North Korea

The Obama administration needs to recognize an aggressive policy toward North Korea is as ineffective now as it was during Clinton and Bush.

Pearl Harbor, Part II?

The Japanese attacked us 68 years ago. The Pentagon is bracing for Pearl Harbor, part II.

Dealing with North Korea’s Tests

Coming up with the proper response to North Korea’s recent actions requires a careful assessment of Pyongyang motivations and regional geopolitics.

Changing the Discourse: First Step toward Changing the Policy?

Obama’s approach toward the Muslim world may be diplomatic, but it remains the work of mobilized people across the United States to end Obama’s war in Afghanistan and Pakistan, halt the occupation of Iraq immediately rather than years from now, stop U.S. military aid to Israel, and launch new negotiations with Iran not based on military threats.

Twenty Years Later

Twenty years later, we are still waiting for our invitation to the Cold War’s funeral.

Korean Tragedies

North Korea’s nuclear test and Roh Moo-Hyun’s suicide have both cast a shadow on inter-Korean cooperation. But engagement is needed now more than ever.

The G-2 Paradox

China and the United States should definitely be talking more about economic and environmental issues. But they also need to talk about reducing their military spending and avoiding a new cold war.

Panel Discussion: The Future of the Six-Party Talks

The Six Party Talks are currently stalled. What is the likelihood that they will resume? Can they be the vehicle not only for the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula but a larger peaceful transformation of Northeast Asia? And what is the role of civil society in this process?

Join Wookshik Cheong, Akira Kawasaki, and John Feffer for a panel discussion of the next steps for peace in Northeast Asia.

Wooksik Cheong and Akira Kawasaki are two prominent young activists who work on peace and security issues. Wooksik Cheong is the representative of Peace Network and the author of many articles on Korean unification and regional security. Akira Kawasaki is an executive committee member of Peace Boat and the NGO Advisor for the International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament. John Feffer is the co-director of Foreign Policy In Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies and the author of North Korea, South Korea: U.S. Policy at a Time of Crisis.

The New Korean Cold War

Relations with North Korea have taken a turn for the worse, but there is also opportunity in this crisis.

Managing the Iranian Challenge

How skill at devising and executing foreign policy could lay the foundation for a mature and mutually beneficial relationship between the United States and Iran.