Our Work

At IPS, our work is centered in our vision: we believe everyone has a right to thrive on a planet where all communities are equitable, democratic, peaceful, and sustainable. Our intersecting programs and initiatives, led by a diverse group of expert staff and associate fellows, are helping to shape progressive movements toward this vision.

Latest Work

Election Fight Over Immigration is Fraying Sweden’s Social Fabric

While the ruling red-green bloc is running on an anti-inequality agenda, an insurgent anti-immigrant party is drowning out their message with fearmongering.

What Trump Means by the ‘Deep State’

Sure, federal agencies have acted illegally — when the president tells them to. Trump’s war on the “Deep State” is entirely about impunity for himself.

Taxpayers Are Footing the Bill for Sky-High CEO Salaries

Billions in taxpayer funds go to CEOs who pay their workers peanuts. We can change that.

Help Spread the Word: #ExecutiveExcess 2018

Help spread the word about our new report, How Taxpayers Subsidize Giant Corporate Pay Gaps

Executive Excess: How Taxpayers Subsidize Giant Corporate Pay Gaps

More than two-thirds of the top federal contractors and corporate subsidy recipients paid their CEO more than 100 times their median worker pay in 2017.

Iraq Should Be a Much Bigger Part of McCain’s Legacy Than His ‘Civility’

The “straight talk” people praise McCain for is actually what most of them can’t stand about politicians: They say noble words but cast ignoble votes.

Killing for Coal (Literally)

Shocking as this sounds, the U.S. government is — by its own admission — willing to murder up to 1,600 Americans a year to enrich a few coal billionaires.

Executive Excess 2018

How Taxpayers Subsidize Giant Corporate Pay Gaps

Help Spread the Word: #RealSchoolSafety

Help spread the word about our new report, Students Under Siege

The Arithmetic of the CEO-Worker Pay Divide

Sometimes percentages alone don’t do justice to the injustice of corporate compensation.