New Internationalism

The New Internationalism project works to end wars and militarism, with a focus on U.S. policy.

“New internationalism” refers to a combination of foreign policies based on international law, human rights, and equality for all. Our approach links the power of global social movements — and sometimes progressive governments and the UN — in fighting against wars, sanctions, occupations, and empire.

The project focuses on education, activism, and advocacy to change U.S. policies away from militarism and towards diplomacy. It also works to democratize and empower the United Nations in its fight for peace and human rights.

In all these arenas, the project works with partner organizations who are organizing, mobilizing, and building movements in the U.S. and globally to challenge militarism and support those fighting for justice in the Middle East and beyond.

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Latest Work

The Delay in Council-Decision Making Gives Anti-War Movement More Time

UFPJ Talking Points #4: We must maintain unrelenting pressure on the basis of “the world says ‘NO’ to war.”

War is not inevitable

UFPJ Talking Points #3: Despite the very dangerous troop build-up in the region, we still have the capacity to stop the Iraq war.

UN Inspectors Find No Evidence of WMDs in Iraq

UFPJ Talking Points #2: International support for war is lower than ever.

U.S. On the Verge of War in Iraq

UFPJ Talking Points #1: The U.S. currently has more than 60,000 troops in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and elsewhere in the region surrounding Iraq; war seems imminent.

The Failure of U.S. Policy Toward Iraq and Proposed Alternatives

Current U.S.-UN Iraq policy has failed. A change to a more humane and practical policy by the U.S. would quickly be accepted by the UN Security Council as a whole.