Olivia Alperstein is the Deputy Communications Director at the Institute for Policy Studies. She works to advance bold policies and ideas and challenge unjust policies through strategic communications on issues impacting human health and survival. She believes that strategic messaging and compelling stories are critical to to persuade decision-makers and ordinary people to care and take action. For years, she has used her communications skills to fight the good fight, and she is honored to work and collaborate with amazing advocates and partners on issues from human rights to climate change. Her prior experience includes work in communications, development, legal organizations, political campaigns, and not-for-profit advocacy.


When Children Hurt, Schools Can Help

Nobody should lose out on a good education because of a bad experience.

Flagging Hate Speech

It shouldn’t have taken 150 years and the deaths of nine innocent churchgoers for Southern states to renounce the Confederate flag.

Deputy Communications Director

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The Rights of Disabled Workers

The Zero Hour | September 11, 2023
