Chuck Collins is the Director of the Program on Inequality and the Common Good at the Institute for Policy Studies, where he co-edits

He is an expert on U.S. inequality and the racial wealth divide and author of over ten books and dozens of reports about inequality, climate disruption, philanthropy, the racial wealth divide, affordable housing, and billionaire wealth dynasties.

His newest book is a novel, Altar to an Erupting Sun (Green Writers Press), a near-future story of one community facing climate disruption in the critical decade ahead. See more at

His 2021 book, The Wealth Hoarders: How Billionaires Spend Millions to Hide Trillions (Polity Books), unmasks the industry of professional enablers that assist the ultra-wealthy to hide wealth and dodge taxes.

He is author of the popular book, Born on Third Base: A One Percenter Makes the Case for Tackling Inequality, Bringing Wealth Home, and Committing to the Common Good (Chelsea Green); He is co-author, with the late Bill Gates Sr. of Wealth and Our Commonwealth, (Beacon Press, 2003), a case for taxing inherited fortunes. He is co-author with Mary Wright of The Moral Measure of the Economy, a book about Christian ethics and economic life. He was featured in this interview in Sun Magazine and with Terry Gross on NPR’s Fresh Air.

He is co-author of several IPS reports including:

He is a founding member of the Patriotic Millionaires. In 1995, he co-founded United for a Fair Economy (UFE) to raise the profile of the inequality issue and support popular education and organizing efforts to address inequality. He was Executive Director of UFE from 1995-2001 and Program Director until 2005.

See an archive of Chuck’s writing, videos and commentaries. For media inquiries, contact Olivia Alperstein at For public speaking inquiries, contact Jodi Solomon Speakers Bureau.


Don’t Let the Rich Avoid Taxes

A progressive tax system is one of the few tools we can deploy to slow and reverse the growth of billionaire power.

Responding to Concerns about the Emergency Charity Stimulus Proposal

Make no mistake: this pandemic is the “rainy day” DAFs and foundations have been saving for.

A Third of U.S. Billionaire Wealth Gains Since 1990 Have Come During Pandemic

U.S. billionaire pandemic profit balloons to $4.56 trillion, a 55 percent increase.

Global Billionaire Wealth Surges $4 Trillion Over Pandemic

A Warren-Jayapal style wealth tax on global billionaires would raise $345 billion in its first year. The cost of vaccinating the world is estimated at $141.2 billion.

Raising This Tax Would Make the Ultra-Rich Pay Their Fair Share

A reformed estate tax could reduce extreme wealth inequality and end tax breaks for dynasty trusts and other loopholes exploited by the rich.

BOOK: The Wealth Hoarders

How billionaires pay millions to hide trillions.

Sanders Estate Tax Bill Shuts Down Wealth Hiding Loopholes

The Vermont senator and former presidential candidate takes shot across the bow of the wealth defense industry.

A Year of Billionaire Pandemic Gains

Who are the ten biggest pandemic profiteers?

Tax Wealth to Fix the Nation’s Woes

Members of the billionaire class have used their clout to rig the economy in their favor.

For Every Buck a Billionaire Gives to Charity, You Chip in Up to 74 Cents

The wealthier the donor, the bigger the taxpayer subsidy.

Foundation Payout Mandate Would Raise $8.7 Billion in Revenue Over 3 Years

The mandate would also have both a positive fiscal impact and give a $200 billion boost to active charities.

Taking on a Billionaire Landlord in the Twin Cities

Private equity firms snatched up rental properties, then neglected them. So Minneapolis activists organized the tenants to fight for their rights.

No, The Rich Are Not Paying Their Fair Share

The share of the nation’s wealth pie owned by the richest 0.01 percent has quadrupled over the last 70 years.

Billionaire Wealth Gains Could Pay for Two-Thirds of COVID Relief Bill

America’s wealthiest 657 billionaires stand $1.3 trillion richer than they were last March.

New Report: Frist Family Pandemic Fortunes

Pandemic doubles wealth of private, for-profit hospital billionaire Thomas F. Frist Jr.’s family to $15.6 billion.

Frist Family Leads Pandemic Profiteer Parade in Health Sector

For-profit hospital billionaire owners see their wealth increase by $8.1 billion since March 2020.

COVID-19 Has Made the Super-Rich Richer. It’s Time for a Billionaire Wealth Tax

The U.S.’s billionaires have amassed democracy-distorting concentrations of wealth and power as millions have been thrown into poverty

We Should Tax Billionaires’ Wealth to Help Pay for the Pandemic Recovery

Senator Elizabeth Warren’s bill would levy a small tax on billionaire fortunes. It could raise billions for recovery—and help protect our democracy.

Time for the Warren-Jayapal Wealth Tax

Billionaires have reaped tremendous gains during the pandemic. A wealth tax will slow the build-up of democracy-distorting concentrations of wealth and power.