Uruguay’s Legalization of Marijuana

CCTV interviews Sanho Tree, drug policy expert, on Uruguay’s “historic and counterintuitive” decision to be the first country in the world to legalize the production and sale of marijuana.

Vietnam War Created Middle East Activist

Phyllis Bennis traces her development from an active Zionist youth to a leading U.S. critic of Israel and international anti-war activist on The Real News.

Mandela’s Global Social Impact

Emira Woods speaks on the significance of Nelson Mandela’s passing on CCTV America: “The spirit of Mandela lives on, a spirit that continues to fight for justice.”

“Viva Mandela, Viva!”

“Viva Mandela, Viva!”

The Institute for Policy Studies Mourns and Celebrates Nelson Mandela, Revolutionary Freedom Fighter

Fast Food CEOs Rake in Taxpayer-Subsidized Pay

Fast Food CEOs Rake in Taxpayer-Subsidized Pay

A new report reveals that fast food companies are pocketing massive taxpayer subsidies for CEO pay while working to keep low-level workers’ wages so low that many must rely on public assistance.

Platinum-Plated Pensions

Platinum-Plated Pensions

In the current budget debate, the loudest calls for Social Security cuts are coming from two lobby groups led by CEOs who will never have to worry about their own retirement security.