U.S. Drug Control Policy

U.S. drug policy is based on a punitive logic of deterrence that assumes that targeting the drug supply through aggressive law enforcement will deter drug use by making drugs scarcer, more expensive, and riskier to buy.

Controlling U.S. Arms Sales

The conventional arms trade continues to bedevil the international system. Although the world arms trade continues to decline in dollar value, the major arms supplying states have redoubled their efforts to export their weapons overseas.

Confronting the Multilateral Debt Burden

Multilateral debt, the result of lending by the International Financial Institutions (IFIs), is contributing to the economic and social crisis that is overtaking many Low Income Countries (LICs).

International Financial Institutions

Immediately following World War II, the major capitalist powers, dominated by the U.S. and Britain, met at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire to establish multilateral institutions to manage the postwar restructuring and expansion of the global capitalist economy. Two international financial institutions (IFIs) emerged from the July 1944 meeting: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The Intelligence Apparatus

Created to collect information, the CIA quickly became embroiled in covertly upending governments and movements around the world in support of U.S. corporate and political goals.

U.S.-Israel Policy

The special nature of the U.S.-Israel alliance has resulted in special protection of and impunity for Israel in international arenas.

U.S.-Iraq Policy: Recent Military Attacks

When Saddam Hussein ordered his tanks and more than 40,000 troops into the Kurdish city of Irbil on August 31, 1996, he offered President Clinton an apparent “win-win,” election-season opportunity.

Winning America: Ideas and Leadership for the 1990s

Winning America: Ideas and Leadership for the 1990s

This collection of 38 short, clear and prescriptive articles covers virtually every topic that may be at issue in the 1988 presidential election, from the drug war and welfare reform to the Middle East conflict.