Raise My Taxes, Please

Those of us who have disproportionately benefited from these investments have a corresponding patriotic responsibility to reinvest in the common good.

Let’s Rein In Tax Cheats

Solely jailing the whistleblower sends a chilling message to would-be financial whistleblowers that will continue for decades to the detriment of our economy.

United States of Gambling

United States of Gambling

No jobs, no affordable health care, no public housing in this country, but thank God we still have free enterprise!

Make the Speculators Pay

Funds for the economic recovery should come from the Wall Street gamblers and the wealthy CEOs who profited from the casino economy.

Annotate This: Commander Guy Bush

Is Bush “the” commander guy or just “a” commander guy? It really doesn’t matter much since he’s the commander in chief. He gets to command, unless Congress decides it’s had enough and commands him not to.