Invertebrate President

Invertebrate President

Barack Obama has been replaced by a guy who makes Jimmy Carter look like Vince Lombardi.

A $700 Billion Dilemma

A $700 Billion Dilemma

Borrowing during hard times and making smart investments could boost future productivity and create good jobs.

Crocodile Tears

Crocodile Tears

You have got to be fastidiously responsible and fiscally conservative to afford the occasional gift to the super wealthy.

Good-for-Nothing Commission

No sane politician would vote for any of the changes the commission headed by Bowles and Simpson is recommending, unless he or she is planning to retire early.

Dumbed-Down Nation

A growing number of politicians either deny sound scientific knowledge in various areas, or have found it prudent to make their constituents think they do.

Hot Fudge Sundae Diet

Republicans are promising to solve all our problems without cost or pain.