Using India to Keep China at Bay

The U.S.-India nuclear deal does nothing to contain the spread of nuclear technology. But, as Tim Beal argues, that’s not the containment Washington has in mind.

Bush at the UN: Annotated

At the UN, George W. Bush praised democracy and diplomacy in the Middle East. Stephen Zunes gives you the real story.

Negotiating Space with North Korea

Even though North Korea’s long-range missile turned out to be a dud, Pyongyang has nevertheless achieved its aim by getting the world’s attention.

Controlling the Bomb

Nuclear proliferation can at best only be slowed down through a process of sanctions and double standards. The use of force shall serve to make other states believe that if only they had the bomb they would be safe. This way leads to catastrophe. The alternative, non-proliferation by cooperation and consent, cannot succeed as long as the United States is insistent on retaining and improving its nuclear arsenal and allowing its allies to have these weapons.

Targeting Teheran

With the U.S. military under siege in Iraq, and polls running heavily against the White House’s Middle East version of Vietnam, are military strike plans on Iran just bluster and so much talk?

Getting Real(istic) About Nonproliferation

Does the current crisis over the nuclear ambitions of North Korea and Iran mean that the nuclear nonproliferation regime should be strengthened and reformed, or scrapped? Here is an argument for scrapping it.

When “Scores” Count

September turned out to be a tragic escalation over preceding months in the multinational reach and catastrophic scale of exclusively human violence.

The Dragon & the Chrysanthemum

If you want to understand the antagonism between Beijing and Tokyo, you have to start in Washington and, in particular, Washington State.