Is China a Threat?

When it comes to the putative Chinese military threat, the numbers simply don’t add up.

Barack Obama on Diplomacy

With his preference for diplomacy over militarism, we must neither be naïve about Barack Obama’s limitations nor cynical about his potential.

Nukes and the Elections

Nukes and the Elections

Forget haircuts and space aliens, Frida Berrigan writes. The media and the candidates should be talking about real issues, like the potential end of the world.

Best of Bush 2007

Bush’s foreign policy wasn’t a complete wash. As Monty Python says: always look on the bright side of life.

Bush Still Spinning Nukes in Iran

Despite the perception that the NIE halted the possibility of war in Iran, we all need to be organizing to shut down the Administration’s war mongering. This season of peace demands no less.

John Edwards’ Foreign Policy

The charismatic populist’s positions on many domestic policy issues may warrant progressives’ support, but his foreign policy record is decidedly mixed.

Pakistan: Myths and Realities

Pakistan’s image in the United States has been tarnished by decades-old misperceptions that prevail in the myths about the country.

Empire and Nuclear Weapons

Empire and Nuclear Weapons

The United States has used its nuclear weapons in many ways. Like cannibalism and slavery, however, nuclear weapons can be abolished.

What Happens Next?

If I want to command the attention of my friends at a bar or a restaurant, I don’t say, “Hey, I’ve got this great analysis to share with you.”

Fashion Statement

If you’re going to throw rocks at the government, you’d better dress up for the occasion.