Victory in Iraq?

While the American people are seeking a way to bring the troops home from Iraq, the President and his administration are aiming to stay for much longer.

The End of Supreme Command

The Bush administration has discredited civilian control of the military. The consequences are potentially disastrous.

Northern Iraqs Tangled Web

With Turkey worried about an independent Kurdistan and the United States bent on destabilizing Iran, northern Iraq is on the brink of chaos.

Ending the "Good War"

The presidential contenders are debating U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq. Why isn’t anyone talking about Aghanistan?

Showdown at the Baghdad Corral

After more than four years, President Bush may be about to get what he has been hoping for: a clear reading on the Iraq situation that is free of U.S. politics.

The Democrats’ Support for Bush’s War

Congress’s capitulation to the Bush administration’s request for nearly $100 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, has led to outrage throughout the country.

Listen to the Boss

Ever since the Dixie Chicks dissed the president, the music industry has increasingly taken aim at the war.

Annotate This: Commander Guy Bush

Is Bush “the” commander guy or just “a” commander guy? It really doesn’t matter much since he’s the commander in chief. He gets to command, unless Congress decides it’s had enough and commands him not to.

Congress Plays Politics over Iraq War

Congress Plays Politics over Iraq War

While Congress fiddles with legislation, Iraq burns. The price for this political theater, guest columnist Zia Mian writes, will be paid by Iraqis.

The Bush Veto

UFPJ Talking Points #50: A victory for the anti-war forces.