Best of Bush 2007

Bush’s foreign policy wasn’t a complete wash. As Monty Python says: always look on the bright side of life.

The Future of Peacekeeping

UN peacekeeping operations are increasing in size and complexity. Why aren’t they getting the financial and political support they need?

The Surge: Illusion & Reality

Car bombings, sectarian violence and attacks on U.S. troops are down. But does the reduced violence have anything to do with the “surge”?

John Edwards’ Foreign Policy

The charismatic populist’s positions on many domestic policy issues may warrant progressives’ support, but his foreign policy record is decidedly mixed.

Beyond the Green Zone

Beyond the Green Zone

An honest look at Iraq and the U.S. occupation from an unembedded journalist.

FPIF In the News

Foreign Policy In Focus The Lehrer News Hour (November 13) and National Public Radio’s Talk of the Nation (November 19) talked with FPIF columnist Zia Mian about Pakistan and nuclear weapons.

Paying for the Wars’ Wounded

Veterans’ health care bills are bound to soar thanks to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, but the government doesn’t appear to be paying attention.

How Much is Enough?

How Much is Enough?

Columnist Frida Berrigan wonders, what ever happened to peace, love, and cutting the U.S. military budget?

The Costs of War for Oil

We have to decide, as a nation, whether our need for Middle Eastern oil is more important to our future than our conduct as a moral and ethical people.