Can the EU Pass a Speculation Tax?

Can the EU Pass a Speculation Tax?

As EU negotiators struggle to reach the finish line on a financial transaction tax agreement, 52 industry professionals issue a joint statement in support.

Wall Street Should Pay a Sales Tax, Too

Wall Street Should Pay a Sales Tax, Too

Americans are used to paying sales taxes on basic goods and services, but when a Wall Street trader buys millions of dollars’ worth of stocks or derivatives, there’s no tax at all.

Tax Wall Street to Heal America

Tax Wall Street to Heal America

The nation’s nurses are calling for a tax on financial transactions to begin raising the revenue needed to fix the nation’s growing social crisis.

Taxing the  Wall Street Casino Fact Sheet

Taxing the Wall Street Casino Fact Sheet

Governments around the world are struggling to deal with the crushing problems of joblessness, poverty, and climate change. A financial speculation tax is the best option on the table to raise the massive revenues needed to address these urgent needs.

Meeting Needs of Developing Countries: The Role of Innovative Financing

Around the world, entities ranging from governments to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to the private sector have been giving more serious consideration than ever before to alternative financing mechanisms for development, climate change, education and other needs. IPS Global Economy project Director Sarah Anderson will speak on financial transactions taxes at this forum on innovative financing.

Taxes and the Common Good

It’s time to reform our tax system — to quit rewarding obscene wealth, Wall Street gambling, and corporate polluters.