The Political Consequences of Stagnation

The Political Consequences of Stagnation

If the left doesn’t come up with a credible and comprehensive alternative to a focus on reducing the deficit, argues FPIF columnist Walden Bello, the far right might eventually fill the policy vacuum.

G-20: Forum for International Non-Cooperation?

G-20: Forum for International Non-Cooperation?

Obama may be the voice of reason on the immediate need for continued stimulus spending. But if we’re going to get back on a sustainable economic path, we need to take seriously the need for major new revenue sources.

BP and Sado-Messochism

Have the messes we’ve been making finally reached a point where they can’t be cleaned up?

Author Event: David Korten, ‘Agenda for a New Economy’

Author Event: David Korten, ‘Agenda for a New Economy’

Nearly two years after the economic meltdown joblessness and foreclosures are still endemic, Wall Street executives are once again getting massive bonuses, and there doesn’t seem to be the will in Washington to make desperately needed fundamental changes to the economy.

Reining in Wall Street: Round 1

A May 17 rally in Washington, DC brought more than a thousand people into the streets, calling for a “financial speculation tax” as part of a broader financial reform agenda.

Film: ‘PLUNDER: The Crime of Our Time’

Danny Schechter (aka “The News Dissector”) explores how the financial crisis was built on a foundation of criminal activity uncovering the connection between the collapse of the housing market and the economic catastrophe that followed.