Korea’s Balloon War

Korea’s Balloon War

South Korean activists are using balloons to send political and religious propaganda across the DMZ. They’re also endangering Koreans on both sides of the border.

The Sum of Our Fears

The Sum of Our Fears

Has the Internet and social media primed us to worry too much about improbable threats — and too little about probable ones?

Recognizing Palestine

Recognizing Palestine

As more European governments line up to recognize a Palestinian state, Israel (and the U.S.) look more isolated than ever.

Barack Obama and the Will to Fight

Barack Obama and the Will to Fight

Obama is more than willing to stand up against the Islamic State. Too bad he wasn’t willing to stand up to his hawkish critics.

The Cold War Never Ended

The Cold War Never Ended

Vladimir Putin is not reviving the Cold War. Rather, the U.S. failed to end it when it had the chance.

Obama: Into Africa

Obama: Into Africa

President Obama is definitely “into” Africa. Unfortunately that has translated into holding the door open for U.S. multinationals to do what outsiders have done for centuries: extract the continent’s wealth.