Asia: On the Rocks

Asia: On the Rocks

U.S. efforts to construct an “armed peace” in the Asia-Pacific are only encouraging a cycle of escalation.

Reviving the North Korea-Iran Axis?

Reviving the North Korea-Iran Axis?

Hardliners want to use North Korea as a hammer to destroy the nuclear agreement with Iran. They’d better start looking for a more effective instrument.

Authoritarian Symps

Authoritarian Symps

In the post-Cold War era, the right and even some on the left are playing a new game of “Who’s your favorite dictator?”

Celebrating Destruction

Celebrating Destruction

Our wartime commemorations are the functional equivalent of mounting the heads of our victims on pikes. Are we surprised that others celebrate bloodshed when we do the same?

The 1.5 Million Man March

The 1.5 Million Man March

China has its vanishing girls. North Korea has its disappeared prisoners. And America has a generation of missing, jailed, and dead black men.

Obama’s Triple Crown

Obama’s Triple Crown

Obama’s no peace president, but he’s won important diplomatic victories. Will they survive the 2016 election?