Certified Failure

There is a growing consensus among policymakers that it is time to reform drug policy.

The Death of Laurent Kabila

The Congo war persists; the U.S. played its part in starting it and has a responsibility to help the Congo and its neighbors to end the war and rebuild their countries.

Women and FTAA

Has NAFTA has benefited the working poor since its implementation?

Islamic Militancy in Central Asia: What Is To Be Done?

he major part of the ICG report compiles information from the past few years about the activities of militant groups–including, but not limited to, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), which has garnered perhaps the greatest publicity of all such gr

Lockerbie Verdict Unlikely to Bring Change

Just as Qadaffi has gained political mileage through portraying himself as a victim of a vengeful and hypocritical United States, there are those in the U.S. who also benefit from maintaining a hostile relationship with this petty tyrant whom Americans lo

Sharon’s Israel Needs Tough Love

There will be no peace or security for Israel unless the United States applies some “tough love:” unconditional support for Israel’s right to live in peace and security coupled with a willingness to pressure Israel to accept the necessary compromises for