Cleaning Up Trump’s Global Mess

Cleaning Up Trump’s Global Mess

Democratic candidates offer a wide range of foreign policy views. These won’t decide the election, but they could have a huge post-Trump impact.

We Can’t Afford Another War

We Can’t Afford Another War

The United States spent over 800 billion dollars on the war in Iraq, while social services and infrastructure crumbled at home.

Trump’s Endless Wars

Trump’s Endless Wars

Trump’s been haphazardly deploying more troops, drones, and dollars abroad for endless wars while waging a shadow foreign policy for his own benefit.

Hong Kong and the Future of China

Hong Kong and the Future of China

Hong Kong’s protests are unlikely to spur major changes in the territory, much less on the mainland — but there is a way forward.

Keeping Up the Fight Against the Muslim Ban

Keeping Up the Fight Against the Muslim Ban

A year after the Supreme Court ruling upholding it, advocates have lined up legislation and presidential candidates behind undoing one of Trump’s signature abuses.