Our Work

At IPS, our work is centered in our vision: we believe everyone has a right to thrive on a planet where all communities are equitable, democratic, peaceful, and sustainable. Our intersecting programs and initiatives, led by a diverse group of expert staff and associate fellows, are helping to shape progressive movements toward this vision.

Latest Work

Israel’s Ban on Tlaib and Omar Shows Netanyahu and Trump’s Contempt for Democracy

The episode may have laid the foundation for a deeper critique of the Trump-Netanyahu partnership, and of U.S. policy toward Israel and Palestine.

Trump’s Public Charge Rule Is an Attack on Legal Immigrants

After demonizing undocumented immigration, Trump’s new public charge rule targets legal immigrants on the basis of income and race.

Trump Tweets, Then Netanyahu Bans Reps. Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib From Israel

Jim Zogby and Phyllis Bennis discuss the Trump-Netanyahu dynamic, the diminishing power of AIPAC, and the political battle against Rep. Omar and Rep. Tlaib.

Red States Cut Worker Pay By $1.5 Billion

If you’re a minimum wage worker in a conservative state, your state lawmakers may have cut your paycheck by over $4,000.

‘Slowbalization’: Is the Slowing Global Economy a Boon or Bane?

Some economists worry the world has passed “peak globalization.” But that could be good for the planet.

Mass Shootings, Economic Inequality, and a Racist President

Three mass shootings in one week, homelessness abound, and a liar who hurls racist rhetoric from the White House stoop. America needs a course correction.

How States Can Better Care for Direct Care Workers

A new report offers recommendations for state policymakers looking to strengthen the backbone of the care economy — the direct care workers themselves.

Out of Ottawa, Some Deflating New Stats on Life in the World’s Richest Nation

An innovative binational analysis details how plutocracy is squeezing low and middle income Americans.

Global Labor Movement Loses a Champion

Former AFL-CIO international affairs director Barbara Shailor fought for the rights of working people around the world.

The Bipartisan $738 Billion Military Budget Deal

America needs to cut military spending and reinvest that money into good jobs, clean energy, health care, and education access for all.