Our Work

At IPS, our work is centered in our vision: we believe everyone has a right to thrive on a planet where all communities are equitable, democratic, peaceful, and sustainable. Our intersecting programs and initiatives, led by a diverse group of expert staff and associate fellows, are helping to shape progressive movements toward this vision.

Latest Work

Key Oil and Gas Pipelines Are on Their Last Legs — That’s Good News

A systematic program of investment in renewables and energy efficiency will create many more jobs than pipelines and pose far less threat to life on our planet.

Would the U.S. Have COVID Under Control If We Hadn’t Overinvested in the Pentagon?

The pandemic has exposed the inadequacies of America’s healthcare system. For proof, look no further than its failure to protect its citizens from COVID-19.

Feds Attack!

Trump’s use of federal paramilitaries is a classic tactic of autocrats to test how far they can push their authority in opposition-controlled regions.

SCOTUS Birth Control Decision Favors Medicare for All

Access to essential medications, like birth control, should not be subject to the whims of our employers.

Decriminalize Fare Evasion

You don’t go to jail for missing a highway toll. It shouldn’t be any different for fare evasion on public transportation.

Can Corporations Walk the Walk on Racial Justice?

Many companies are tweeting about their commitment to racial equity, but not practicing it in their own staffing.

Need Money for a Green New Deal? Get It From ICE.

With the money we spend on ICE and CBP, we could solar power nearly 35 million homes.

USPS Needs Financial Aid to Continue Providing Essential Services

Despite a boom in package deliveries, USPS is facing insolvency due to crisis-related drops in mail revenue and increased costs.

Americans Want to Reinvest Ten Percent of the Military Budget Against Coronavirus

The major challenges flaring up today demand strong public investment in community well-being and resilient infrastructure, not more militarization.

Americans Overwhelmingly Support Cutting the Pentagon to Support Our Real Needs

To cut 10 percent of the Pentagon budget, let’s end our Middle East wars, reduce reliance on nuclear weapons, and turn off the spigot to arms contractors.