Trim NASA Down to Size

Manned space flights are geared to the bright future of the leaders of corporations who sell all the stuff that’s used to make the shuttles, the space suits, the moon landers, the space stations, and the astronaut capsules.

More Jobs, Less War

We should cut the military budget and use that money to fund our transition to a greener economy.

A Radical Agenda in Troubled Times

In a Congress controlled by the emerging far-right wing of the Republican Party, the winners would be the people who are already winning.

Hot Fudge Sundae Diet

Republicans are promising to solve all our problems without cost or pain.

Jobs vs. War

Jobs vs. War

Isn’t there some kind of law against panhandling?

Poverty on the March

In the name of thrift, Congress has chiseled unemployment, food stamps, housing, child care, and most other social services.

One Decade Down, One Decade Wasted

One Decade Down, One Decade Wasted

The 21st century has opened with ten years that have seen the vast majority of Americans go backward economically. Just-released Census stats tell that tale–but not the whole income story.