Third Rail Politics at the 2011 Seattle Hempfest

The way things get done in Washington, D.C. depends on closed door whispering. It is time to develop a non-binding straw poll to put partisan concerns aside for the sake of America.

Can Anyone Tackle Our Tax-Dodging CEOs?

A new report from the Institute for Policy Studies documents how America’s top corporate execs are stiffing Uncle Sam – and lavishly lining their own pockets in the process.

CEOs Rewarded for Corporate Tax Dodging

CEOs Rewarded for Corporate Tax Dodging

Shareholders should reward CEOs for building better products or delivering better services, not for accounting gymnastics that game their tax bills down.

Al-Qaeda Lost the Battle Long Ago

Al-Qaeda Lost the Battle Long Ago

The terrorist network’s resort to dramatic spectacle was at once a brilliant tactic and a desperate effort to revive its own fortunes.

High-Wire CEO

High-Wire CEO

It is easier for a CEO to enter a tax haven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.