
The Five Worst Ideas Contained in Donald Trump’s Tax Plan

Underneath the populist rhetoric is a regressive tax plan that hurts more than it helps.

Five Biggest Losers of the GOP Debate

Hint: it wasn’t the candidates.

Seven Fantasies of the GOP Presidential Debate

In the world according to Republican presidential candidates, inequality isn’t a problem and climate change doesn’t exist.

Ecuador Puts Piketty Into Practice

This small South American country is taxing wealthy estates and distributing the proceeds directly to workers.

Tightening Whose Belt?

As a millennial, I take the push to ditch the estate tax personally.

A Simple Idea: Free Education For All

With two new legislative initiatives, Senator Sanders is proposing to tax Wall Street speculators to guarantee all Americans a good shot at a college degree.

Lending Dreams

An innovative new program helps low-income families become homeowners while engaging in social change.

Estate Tax Wars: Pinocchio on Viagra

With outright lies dominating the estate tax debate on Capitol Hill, two Washington Post columnists have incredibly different takes on the untruths of the anti-tax crowd.

A Higher Education Revolution

More robust estate taxes could cover the cost of making public colleges and universities tuition-free.

Betting the Farm on a Lie

Estate tax critics never let facts get in the way of a good story.

We Owe You Nothing!

A new landmark student debt strike is drawing attention to the desperate need for action on a student debt crisis that’s enriching a few at the expense of an entire generation.

Marshaling Marooned Tax Dollars

Congress needs to shut down offshore tax shelters without rewarding the corporations that built them.

Are Taxes the Real NFL Scandal?

With all the NFL scandals from this past season, the one that has received the least attention is the easiest to solve: the league’s tax-exempt status.

Understanding the Trust Fund Loophole

The White House is going after the tax code provision that lets the super rich avoid billions of dollars of taxes.

Obama Strengthens His Backbone

Advancing tuition-free community college is only the latest example of the bold actions he’s suddenly taking.

Food and Trade: Dialogue

FPIF asked Anuradha Mittal of the Oakland Institute and Gawain Kripke of Oxfam whether international trade is good for agriculture or not. Mittal sees free trade as hazardous to farmers and farming. Kripke sees a role for trade in sustainable development. While they agree on many points, here they also take issue with each other’s positions.

Trade Can Play A Role in Agricultural Development

FPIF asked Anuradha Mittal of the Oakland Institute and Gawain Kripke of Oxfam whether international trade is good for agriculture or not. Mittal sees free trade as hazardous to farmers and farming. Kripke sees a role for trade in sustainable development. While they agree on many points, here they also take issue with each other’s positions.