
The Wealth Gap Between Black and White Families Is Getting Worse

If the current trend continues, it will take black families 228 years to catch up to the current wealth of the average white family.

Report: Ever-Growing Gap

Without Change, African-American and Latino Families Won’t Match White Wealth for Centuries

Don’t Spend Your Money on Already Rich Schools

A wildly popular new podcast challenges firmly held beliefs around social mobility and our education system.

Trump’s Trickle-Down Ticket

Donald Trump’s VP pick signals a commitment to slashing taxes for millionaires and cutting services for everyone else.

Poorer Than Their Parents

Young people are set to inherit the unequal economic heritage of their parents.

Help Spread the Word: #RacialWealthGap

Help us spread the word about our latest report, “The Ever-Growing Gap: Without Change, African-American and Latino Families Won’t Match White Wealth for Centuries”

America’s Huge Racial Wealth Gap Is No Accident

For the first time, Democrats are acknowledging America’s deep racial wealth gap — Here’s how we can start to close it.

Maine People’s Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage, Fund Education, and Provide Universal Family Healthcare

An interview with rising progressive star, Ben Chin, Political Director of Maine People’s Alliance.

In Stark Contrast to the Past, the Democratic Platform Addresses Issues of Structural Inequality

Tax reform, Wall Street accountability, and the racial wealth divide are all acknowledged in this year’s agenda.

Paul Ryan’s “A Better Way” Proposal is Anything But

Predictable as ever, the House Speaker’s plan would give an average annual tax break of nearly $800,000 to the top 0.1 percent.

These States are Taking Tax Reform into Their Own Hands

Massachusetts, California, and Oregon are all launching campaigns to combat rising inequality. Other states should take note.

The Real Reason Republicans Are Going after the IRS

It’s simple: a weak IRS helps the wealthy avoid paying taxes.

Half of Prince’s $300 Million Estate Could Be Taxed. That’s a Good Thing.

The late pop star eschewed tax-dodging chicanery and will still leave a sizable fortune to his heirs—as well as to the taxpayers who helped him succeed.

What the IRS Says About the State of Our Democracy

Underfunding the IRS helps the very wealthy at the expense of the middle and working class. So why do we do it?

Tupac Shakur on Inequality, Greed, and Donald Trump

Two decades before Bernie Sanders’ presidential candidacy, the hip-hop artist described the absurdity of inequality in America that continues to get worse today.

Our Childhood Poverty Is a Global Embarrassment

A new UNICEF report shows the U.S. lagging behind countries like Turkey and Slovakia on efforts to reduce childhood inequality, even as it ranks No. 1 in wealth.

Onshore Tax Havens

American elites don’t have to go to Panama to hide their money — they can go to Delaware.

Food Firms That Prove Worker-Shared Ownership is Smart Business

Chobani CEO transferred partial ownership to his employees so they could build the company and their futures at the same time.

How to Redistribute Wealth—Without the Guillotine

We can’t just tax billionaires’ paychecks. We should tax the wealth they’ve already amassed.