Emily Schwartz Greco was the Institute’s op-ed manager and ran OtherWords. OtherWords is a non-profit editorial service that distributes progressive commentary and cartoons to approximately 1,700 editors at newspapers and new media outlets across the nation. She is also an OtherWords weekly columnist. As a writing coach , she had trained a group of New Economy Maryland fellows to write more effectively for the public.

Prior to coming to IPS in 2003, Emily covered foreign policy and economics in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Brazil, as well as Washington and New York, for the Dow Jones and Bloomberg News services. She earned a M.S. in journalism from Columbia University and a B.A. in Latin American studies and history from the University of Texas at Austin. She has traveled extensively in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and the South Pacific and is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese. She lives in Arlington, Virginia, with her husband and two young children.


Letters to the Editor: Kaul’s $50 Bill Column

One reader says she’s having “a hard time imagining spending money” bearing President Reagan’s picture.

Pentagon Plans $100 Billion in Spending Cuts

The Obama administration seeks military savings over the next five years.

Petroleum and Silly Putty on the Menu

McDonald’s uses chemicals in the United States that it manages to do without in its British restaurants.

The Lineup: Week of June 28-July 4, 2010

Here’s what you’ll find in this week’s OtherWords editorial package.

Letters to the Editor: Kaul on Kagan and God

It’s always nice to get mail from our fans in these days of instant everything, especially when they have a sense of humor.

Pelosi Protest Followed by Cautious Optimism at Progressive Gathering

Demographics point to a brighter future for America’s left.

Arkansas and America’s Future Now

Progressives gather in Washington to chart a stronger strategy.

The Lineup: Week of June 7-13

This package features op-eds about Israel, budget cuts, and the NBC-Comcast merger.

Time for a Job Surge

National Urban League crunches numbers on joblessness and outlines solutions to the long-term unemployment crisis.

Kentucky Adopts Civil Rights Resolution

State senators reject Rand Paul’s controversial comments.

Pollan Digests the Latest Food Politics Books

Michael Pollan’s new essay highlights the diverse schools of food activism takes as well as unifying themes.

Pundits Cheered Drilling Shortly Before BP Oil Disaster

Many of America’s prominent commentators ran on fumes when they opined about oil.

Financial Reform Bill Could Stabilize Commodities

New rules may rein in speculation that distorts the market for agricultural futures contracts.

Monsanto Seed Delivery Angers Haitian Activists

Farmers object to the pesticide-laden donation.

Racial Wealth Divide now a Vast Gulf

Overall, white families see growth in their net worth while African Americans experience stagnation.

This is Your Brain on Pesticides

Research finds that consuming pesticides may make it more likely that kids will develop ADHD.

Trillion-Dollar War Tab

The Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts are nearing a big milestone.

Angry about Arizona

Cities boycott Arizona to protest its immigration law as the state cracks down on ethnic studies.

Europe’s Sick of U.S. Nukes

Stockpiles undercut, instead of enhancing, security.

Assessing the BP Oil Disaster

The Sierra Club calls warns against more offshore oil drilling.

Op-Ed Manager

Dodging the Fiscal Swindle

The Galesburg (IL) Planet | December 9, 2012

Dodging the Fiscal Swindle

The (Los Angeles CA) Bell Gardens Sun | December 6, 2012

Just Don’t Say Climate Change

The Reporter (Palos Heights IL) | October 4, 2012

Just Don’t Say Climate Change

The Bemidji (MN) Pioneer | October 3, 2012

Washington’s Democratic Double-Standard

The Register Citizen (Torrington CT) | August 11, 2012

Washington’s Democratic Double-Standard

The Alliance (OH) Review | August 7, 2012

Donald Kaul’s Breather

The Des Moines (IA) Register | July 26, 2012

Donald Kaul’s Breather

The Mason City (IA) Globe Gazette | July 24, 2012

Making Sense of Poverty Numbers

Common Dreams | September 24, 2010

Making Sense of Poverty Numbers

Denver Post | September 24, 2010
