The CEO of TJ Max more than doubled his compensation to $14.8 million. The CEO of Gillette took home $16.5 million in stock and salary last year. The chief executive of Affiliated Managers Group Inc. was rewarded with $18 million. And Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz earned $47.2 million in total compensation. Sam Pizzigati writes, in his OtherWords op-ed, about the income gulf between management and labor, and how the absurd wage gaps between CEOs and…everyone else, might finally be exposed. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) has introduced a measure to shed some light on the discrepancies that are now commonplace. “Menendez’s amendment would require all U.S. companies to disclose, for the first time, the gap between what they pay their CEOs on an annual basis and what they pay their average workers,” Pizzigati said.

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