U.S. Urged to Lean Harder on Bahrain’s Ruling Family

While Washington publicly advocates for open dialogue and reform between Bahrain’s regime and the opposition, its policy has so far avoided exerting any real pressure on the kingdom to achieve these ends.

Tunisia Boils Over

Tunisia Boils Over

The assassination of a progressive Tunisian leader is the culmination of a full-blown socio-economic and cultural crisis that has been brewing in the country for the past two years.

The Latin American Exception

In one region of the world – in this century at least – the sun never rose on US-choreographed torture.

Is It Time for an African Pope?

Is It Time for an African Pope?

As pope, an African could provoke a subtle but important change in global attitudes toward Africa and focus more attention on a rising continent rich with promise and challenges alike.

February 15, 2003. The Day the World Said No to War.

February 15, 2003. The Day the World Said No to War.

Our movement changed history. While we did not prevent the Iraq war, the protests proved its clear illegality, demonstrated the isolation of the Bush administration policies, helped prevent war in Iran, and inspired a generation of activists.