Winning the Fight Against Coal Financing

Winning the Fight Against Coal Financing

Hopefully, this is the dawn of a new day, when public financing of coal mines and power plants around the world is no longer acceptable. After 16 years of persistent pressure from IPS and other groups, our government seems to finally be listening.

Anti-American Budget Cuts

Anti-American Budget Cuts

You know things are bad when the Summer White House can’t afford to stay open on the Fourth of July.

Syrian Dead End

Syrian Dead End

How can the United States afford to keep proving that it’s bad at bringing peace to conflict-ridden Middle Eastern countries?

It Can’t Happen Here

It Can’t Happen Here

Au pairs may get an experience they didn’t bargain for when they head for a stint in the United States.

Americans Thank Latin American Countries for Offering Asylum to Whistleblower Edward Snowden, Say to Justice Department: Stop Illegal NSA Spying and Hands Off Edward Snowden

The Institute for Policy Studies will join a coalition of groups which are coming together for a march and rally to thank to the Latin American countries that have offered asylum to Edward Snowden, protest NSA’s surveillance of Americans and foreigners, and protest the Justice Department’s campaign to prevent Snowden from being granted asylum.