This week in OtherWords, Jill Richardson makes the case for raising chickens in your backyard and Sam Pizzigati discusses Ford’s worker-financed bailout.

Donald Kaul is taking a spring break this week and will be back on April 3, when we’ll run a Tax Day special edition.

Here’s a clickable summary of our latest commentaries and a link to our new cartoon. If you haven’t already subscribed to our weekly newsletter, please do.

  1. A Plateful of Justice / Javier Rojo
    The people that wash your dishes and the folks who cook and serve your food deserve better.
  2. Ditching ‘Rape Culture’ for Good / Alana Baum
    From HBO’s “Girls” to CNN’s coverage of the Steubenville case, it’s time for people to start talking about rape in a more productive way.
  3. A Dubious Honor / Wenonah Hauter
    How can Smithfield rank so high on Fortune’s list of most-admired companies?
  4. Don’t Cheat Your Grandma / Martha Burk
    One idea for cutting Social Security that’s gaining popularity in Washington would hurt the elderly, especially older women.
  5. When Workers Foot the Bill for Bailouts / Sam Pizzigati
    U.S. executives, including Ford CEO Alan Mulally, are personally profiting off their employees’ pain.
  6. Why I’m a Chick with Chicks / Jill Richardson
    As a visit to my Cluckingham Palace coop proves, small-scale chicken raising is compatible with modern city life.
  7. Obama’s Unethical End Run / Jim Hightower
    Obama’s transparent deception on special-interest money.
  8. A Tortured History / William A. Collins
    Could you or I be kidnapped and waterboarded and still have no right to sue?
  9. Invisible Hand University / Khalil Bendib cartoon
Invisible Hand University, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

Invisible Hand University, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

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