This week in OtherWords, Jill Richardson says that Beyoncé’s high-profile association with Pepsi makes her unfit as a role model for Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign and Andrew Korfhage calls on President Obama to stop the Keystone XL pipeline. Donald Kaul explains why he thinks that Chuck Hagel would make a good Pentagon chief and Sarita Gupta praises Hilda Solis’s performance as Labor Secretary.

Below you’ll find links to our latest work, which is all available on our website at If you haven’t already subscribed to our weekly newsletter, please do.

  1. Filling Solis’s Shoes Won’t Be Easy / Sarita Gupta
    Obama’s first labor secretary has been a watchdog for workers.
  2. A Key Proposal for the Administration’s Second Term / Andrew Korfhage
    It’s up to Obama to stop the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.
  3. What Happened to the Violence Against Women Act? / Leslie Watson Malachi
    Republican efforts to prevent expanded protections for these at-risk groups made all women lose important protections.
  4. The Real Obama Emerges Again / Jill Stein
    Thanks to the budget deal, Obama’s second term is starting with more of the same disappointments.
  5. We Don’t Need a Secretary of Militarism / Donald Kaul
    Chuck Hagel proved to be an intelligent, reasonable man with a reputation for honesty in the Senate, and these days that qualifies for sainthood.
  6. Making the Tax Code Safe for America’s Aristocracy / Sam Pizzigati
    Tax-free gifts are solidifying the nation’s financial dynasties.
  7. Beyoncé’s Not-so-Super Move / Jill Richardson
    Our president and first lady ought to reconsider their relationship with the popular singer now that she’s becoming the face of PepsiCo.
  8. Why does a university need a Chief Marketing Officer? / Jim Hightower
    “Let there be money” is the new academic aspiration.
  9. Giving Away the Store / William A. Collins
    The whole business of giving tax breaks to businesses to lure them to a particular place is largely a scam.
  10. Tar Sands Illustrated / Khalil Bendib Cartoon

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