Still No Peace

Despite his recent visit to the region, President Bush’s policy is still undermining Israeli-Palestinian peace.

The 12 Myths of Annapolis

There is a myth that says Annapolis, the latest iteration of U.S.-controlled “peace processes,” represents the epicenter of current Israeli-Palestinian peace-making efforts.

Visiting Hani’s House

Visiting Hani’s House

With words and pictures, artist Ellen O’Grady tells a story from the Occupied Territories.

Dancing in the Earthquake

Rabbi Arthur Waskow looks at the ferment within the major U.S. religious communities as they struggle over Middle East policy.

Postcard from … Colombia

As the U.S. “War on Drugs” rages on in Colombia, more and more of its farms have been turned into swaths of scorched earth.

Ban Ki Whom?

Ban Ki Moon’s first six months as UN Secretary General have registered on the low decibel end of the scale.

The U.S. Role in the Gaza Tragedy

While Hamas is the most immediate culprit behind the violence in Gaza, responsibility also rests with Fatah, Israel – and the United States.

The Rise of Hamas

How Hamas grew from a radical minority to an electoral majority that’s now patrolling the streets of the Gaza Strip.

Jerusalem: Endorsing the Right of Conquest

Congress recently endorsed Israel’s annexation of greater East Jerusalem. This will make Israeli-Palestinian peace more difficult to achieve, enflame anti-Americanism in the region and undermine international law.