77 Global and National Human Rights and Environmental Groups in Six Countries Expose OceanaGold as an Irresponsible Mining Company and Oppose its Expansion

77 Global and National Human Rights and Environmental Groups in Six Countries Expose OceanaGold as an Irresponsible Mining Company and Oppose its Expansion

The groups stand together against the abusive practices of one of the world’s major global mining corporations, OceanaGold, and issue an urgent appeal to the governments of the Philippines, Aotearoa New Zealand, El Salvador, the United States, Canada, and Australia calling for them to halt, shut down, or support or uphold bans impacting OceanaGold mines in their respective countries.

A Wake-Up Call For Trump’s Trade Agenda

A Wake-Up Call For Trump’s Trade Agenda

The investor-state provisions in NAFTA don’t help workers. Instead, they hand enormous power to corporations to bully governments into undoing measures to protect workers, the environment, and public health.

From Gold Country to the Golden Triangle

From Gold Country to the Golden Triangle

Hundreds denounced a secret tribunal housed at the World Bank that is getting ready to rule on a case that could determine the future of El Salvador’s water supply.

When Corporations Sue Governments

When Corporations Sue Governments

As the T.T.I.P. and T.P.P. negotiations continue, Pacific Rim vs. El Salvador should remind us not to privilege foreign investors to the detriment of the national — or global — good.