Part 3-The Futility of Trying to Debate Our Way to Disarmament

In the end, disarmament won’t spring from a fruitless quest for ironclad rationales. Its establishment will be the result of a groundswell of reactions ranging from disgust with to bewilderment at a national security policy that puts the lives of tens of millions at risk.

The Nuclear Posture Attack

In a May 11 Washington Times editorial, Frank Gaffney, Ed Meese, Clifford May, and four additional coauthors called for a “renewed adherence to the national security philosophy of President Ronald Reagan: ‘Peace Through Strength.'”

Testimony: The Legacy of Nuclear Weapons Testing

Statement of senior scholar Robert Alvarez before the Subcommitee on Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment, U.S. House of Representatives regarding the legacy of nuclear weapons testing in the Marshall Islands.

Sanctions Debate Heats Up

The recent and highly unusual public launch of a “conference committee” of both houses of Congress to hash out differences in long-pending legislation to impose unilateral sanctions on Iran marks a new stage in the escalating debate over what to do about Tehran’s nuclear programme.

Nuclear Follies

Are we in the process of giving up our nuclear addiction, or is this just flimflam from an addict who refuses to go cold turkey?

The New Anti-Nuclear Movement

The New Anti-Nuclear Movement

The Obama administration has a new nuclear policy. And we need a new anti-nuclear movement that can reach for change.