Seven Surprising Tax Facts for 2019

Seven Surprising Tax Facts for 2019

Tax Day is April 15, 2019. Americans will file their tax returns for all income received in 2018. Want to know what your taxes pay for, and who pays what?

Trump’s $174 Billion Budget Lie

Trump’s $174 Billion Budget Lie

Trump tells us we can’t afford PBS funding or preserve affordable housing, but his budget doesn’t have any trouble finding billions of dollars for the endlessly expanding Pentagon budget.

Stop Wasting Money on the Pentagon

Stop Wasting Money on the Pentagon

Military leaders literally don’t know what they’re doing with our money, but they want more. People on the left and right have had enough.

Who Was the Real Maverick: McCain or Trump?

Who Was the Real Maverick: McCain or Trump?

John McCain was a politician, not a maverick — he played ball, and sometimes compromised. Trump is the true maverick: He’s batshit crazy and there’s no dealing with him.