A Day of Action on Military Spending

A Day of Action on Military Spending

People in more than 35 countries, as well as Columbus, Dallas, Kansas City and dozens of other cities throughout the United States will participate in the first Global Day of  Action on Military Spending. This global action will come one day after the release on April 11 of the 2010 figures for global military expenditures by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. In 2009, the world spent more than $1.5 trillion on the military.

The Geopolitics of Stupid

If the death of one man is a tragedy while the death of a million is a statistic then the attack on a single Qur’an is a tragedy while the attack on millions of Muslims is a foreign policy.

Hill Briefing: How Would You Spend $1 Trillion?

Hill Briefing: How Would You Spend $1 Trillion?

At this congressional briefing and screening view two four-minute compelling videos which chronicle how the filmmakers – and the people they interview – would spend the more than $1 trillion already spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The filmmakers will also offer brief introductions to their work and to life in their communities.

SOTU: Really, Mr. President?

The Iraq War isn’t wrapping up, the Afghanistan War is failing, and we can’t afford either one. If we are ever going to find 15 million jobs, we need to end the wars and cut military spending.