A Manufacturer of Equality

A Manufacturer of Equality

In the United States, top corporate execs sometimes make more in an hour than their workers can make in a year. At Mondragon, one of Spain’s largest companies, no execs can make more in an hour than their workers make in a day.

NAFTA at 20: The New Spin

NAFTA at 20: The New Spin

Nearly 20 years since NAFTA went into effect, its empty promises have been laid bare for the people of Mexico.

Raw Trade Deals

Raw Trade Deals

With cheap imports woven tightly into U.S. manufacturing and retail, corporations have a lot at stake.

Costly Labor Scam

Costly Labor Scam

Savvy employers play one state against another when they plan new facilities.

A Lousy New Year for Workers

General Motors executives could claim today that what’s good for their company is good for the country if they were talking about China.